Mucociliary clearance is the main defense mechanism of the airways. The cilia-like structure arranged in the epithelial cells on a micrometric scale, similar to hair strands, moves the accumulated mucus unidirectionally, promoting airway cleansing. Mucin glycopolymers are deposited in the periciliary layer and form a dense network capable of promoting metachronal movement. Bioinspired by this type of natural arrangement, the proposal aims to produce artificial magnetic microcilia with supramolecular glycopolymers based on the mucin structure activated by a magnetic field to move, pushing the mucus unidirectionally and cleaning the patient's airways. The correct functioning of the device will allow an improvement of commercially available devices that consist of a silicone surface incapable of promoting the movement of accumulated mucus. The structure and function of the devices will be improved in order to reduce the formation of biofilm caused by microorganisms present in the air breathed. With the results, we intend to create a product that can bring a better quality of life to a portion of the population that depends on the prolonged use of these commercial stents that can last months or years.