Unicamp Faculty and Research Staff Homepage
In compliance with the Access to Information Law, Unicamp creates this Homepage to provide free access to the academic staff and research production of the university.
Collaborative project of the General Coordination of the University and the Vice-Presidency for Research.
It is part of the Unicamp Transparency Portal.
Faculty and Research Staff Menu:
- Last training (level and institution);
- Laboratory to which he/she belongs;
- Main research activities;
- Keywords included by faculty/researcher;
- Keywords extracted from Lattes Platform;
- Co-authors - Lattes curriculum;
- Images from faculty/researcher research;
- Research statistics - Google Scholar & Fapesp;
- Research Profile from the Vice-Presidency for Research;
- Possibility of publishing new information;
- Icons for searching further academic information in worldwide public platforms.
Menus for Schools & Institutes, Centers, Vocational Technical High School and Others:
- Associated faculty and research staff;
Research & Innovation Thematic Centers Menu:
- Research & Innovation Thematic Centers: INCTs, CEPIDs and CPEs based at Unicamp;
- Links to specific lab pages.
Data Office / General Coordination of the University - Alexandre H. Melo, Jorge Luiz Machado da Silva, Rodolfo De Nadai, Ronei Xavier da Silva e Silviane Duarte Rodrigues;
PRP: Rinaldo - PRP;
Academic Units: Daniele Januario Venancio - FT, Sidney Pio de Campos - FEQ e Vornei Augusto Grella - FEEC.