Linguistics, Letters and Arts

Academic Profiles

Latest training
1985 - 1990     Doctorate, Universidade de São Paulo
Research Activities

S. Reily’s primary areas of research focus on music in lay catholicism in Brazil, encompassing “folias de reis” (a mumming tradition linked to the devotion to the Three Kings), “congados” (a form of African-Brazilian music and dance tradition dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary and Saint Benedict the Moor), and Holy Week in the former mining regions of the state of Minas Gerais among other traditions. She is also interested in various forms of amateur music making, having conducted research in brass bands and choirs; currently, she is investigating the Early Music Movement in São Paulo. She also publishes widely on general theoretical topics associated with Ethnomusicology such as music and memory, Brazilian Ethnomusicology, ethnomusicological method

research methods, brass bands, local musicking, popular catholicism, ethnomusicology
Keywords (lattes)
Abstract Lattes
Suzel Ana Reily é Professora Titular de Etnomusicologia do Departamento de Música do Instituto de Artes, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Completou o doutorado em Antropologia Social pela Universidade de São Paulo em 1990 e logo em seguida assumiu posição de ensino e pesquisa na Queen's University Belfast, onde permaneceu até junho de 2015. Seu livro, 'Voices of the Magi: enchanted journeys in southeast Brazil', foi publicado por University of Chicago Press em 2002. Organizou quatro volumes: 'The Musical Human: Rethinking John Blacking´s Ethnomusicology in the 21st Century' (Ashgate, 2006); com Katherine Brucher, 'Brass Bands of the World: Militarism, Colonial Legacies, and Local Music Making' (Ashgate 2013); com Jonathan Dueck, 'The Oxford Handbook of Music in World Christianities' (Oxford University Press, 2016), que foi contemplado com uma menção honrosa do 2018 Ellen Koskoff Edited Volume Prize; 'Routledge Companion to the Study of Local Musicking' (com K Brucher, Routledge, 2018), que foi contemplado com o 2019 Ellen Koskoff Edited Volume Proze; duas edições especiais de revistas internacionais: 'Brazilian Musics, Brazilian Identities' (edição especial do 'British Journal of Ethnomusicology', 2001); 'The Sounds of Processions' (edição temática de 'Yale Journal of Music and Religion', 2016); um dossiê temático: 'Música e Memória' ('Música e Cultura', 2014).
German Speaks Reasonably , Reads Little , Writes Little
English Speaks Well , Reads Well , Writes Well
Spanish Speaks Reasonably , Reads Well , Writes Little
French Speaks Reasonably , Reads Well , Writes Reasonably
Citations by Year
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