Graduated in Languages at FAFIG (1995), with master's degree (1999) and doctorate (2005) in Linguistics at UNICAMP. Currently a professor at the Linguistics Department of the Institute of Language Studies (IEL) at UNICAMP. Experience in the field of Linguistics, with emphasis on Discourse Analysis, working on the articulation between this discipline and the fields of historical materialism and psychoanalysis, mainly in the study of the relations between language, the unconscious and subjectivity. Founding member of the PoEHMaS Research Center (Politics, Enunciation, History, Materialities, Sexualities), leader of the PsiPoliS Research Group (Psychoanalysis, Politics, Signifier), and researcher of the Women in Discourse Research Group. He is a founding member and one of the coordinators of the Collective Estação Psicanálise, which offers free psychoanalytic services at Estação Cultura, in Campinas. Founding member of Forum of the Lacanian Field -Metropolitan Region of Campinas (FCL-RMC), in formation.