Ciências Exatas e da Terra
Strongly correlated electronic systems; disordered systemsMy areas of research are:
(1) strongly correlated electron systems, which are systems where the interactions between electrons cannot be neglected or treated only "on the average" (as is often done in weakly correlated systems. Examples are heavy fermion systems, transition metal oxides and others, which exhibit phenomena such as the Mott metal-insulator transition, the Kondo effect, magnetic behavior, etc.
(2) disordered systems, which are systems in which the number of defects of the crystalline order is so large that treating them as a small perturbation is not enough. Typical systems are strongly disordered metals, insulators or semiconductors, which exhibit phenomena such as Anderson localization, glassy behavior, etc.
I am especially interested in systems which are both disordered and strongly correlated, which are especially challenging.
Alemão | Compreende Razoavelmente , Fala Razoavelmente , Lê Razoavelmente , Escreve Razoavelmente |
Inglês | Compreende Bem , Fala Bem , Lê Bem , Escreve Bem |
Espanhol | Compreende Razoavelmente , Fala Pouco , Lê Bem , Escreve Pouco |
Francês | Compreende Pouco , Fala Pouco , Lê Razoavelmente , Escreve Pouco |
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1 | 9 | 1 | 23 | 2 | 36 |
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